A Warning from Roy the Earth Angel: God’s Anger is Real on your knees Evil Snakes

A Warning from Roy the Earth Angel: God’s Anger is Real on your knees Evil Snakes

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A Warning from Roy the Earth Angel: God’s Anger is Real
they were laughing at me one minute casting thier black magic the next minute they were screaming crying stop attacking me I'm show mercy for now but don't keep testing me God Is so angry me too get on your knees beg forgivness turn your selfs you snakes or be removed by Amighty God

In these turbulent times, the message from the divine is clearer than ever: God is angry, and He is not playing around. As the most powerful earth angel and master healer, I feel compelled to share this urgent warning: stop attacking God’s anointed and His children, or face the consequences.

The Seriousness of Divine Anger
God's love is profound and infinite, but so is His wrath when His children are harmed. Many have turned to dark practices, believing they can escape accountability or wield power over others. This is a grave mistake. When you attack those chosen by God, you invite repercussions that can alter the course of your life.

God’s anointed are here to spread light, love, and healing. When you attempt to undermine their mission, you not only put yourself at risk but also disrupt the divine order that sustains us all. The message is clear: this behavior must stop.

The Consequences of Negativity
Those who engage in harmful actions against God’s children risk being removed from His grace. The consequences of your choices can manifest in various ways—emotional turmoil, spiritual disconnection, and even physical manifestations of negativity. God is not indifferent to these actions; He sees everything, and His justice is swift.

A Call for Change
This is a time for reflection and repentance. If you find yourself drawn to dark practices or harboring ill will toward others, it’s time to change course. Acknowledge your actions, seek forgiveness, and turn check here your heart toward love and compassion.

By doing so, you can realign yourself with God’s will and protect yourself from the repercussions of negativity. Embrace the light and support those who are spreading it.

Embrace Love and Healing
The antidote to God’s anger is not fear but love. As an earth angel and master healer, I click here urge you to cultivate compassion in your heart. When we choose love over hate, we build a strong foundation that protects us from darkness.

Reach out to one another, uplift each other, and foster a community grounded in respect and understanding. This is the path to healing and peace.

The divine message is clear: stop attacking God’s anointed and His children, or be prepared to face the consequences. God is not playing, and His anger is a call to return to the light. Choose love, embrace healing, and remember that we are all connected in this sacred journey. Let us stand together in faith and make the choice to uplift one another.

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